Traditionally the role of the designer has been to engage design dilemmas through a rational process of analysis and utilization of tools and technologies. However, this procedure is often solution-centred - fixed upon an end product or entity - a tailored coat, for example. But here the design is largely understood and implicit, as it is ultimately a manifestation of the future as a set of clearly defined scenarios.


However, design can also be considered as less about conventional goals or completion-orientated approaches but rather as developing strategies, technologies, ideas and thinking towards aims which do not clearly exist yet or cannot be fully formulated, understood, or appreciated. This can be useful as it can give us license to find new conceptual spaces in which to theoretically invent futures to conduct imaginative research outside the constraints of the market place, but which may later inform and extend the market place.

Simon Thorogood

Design thinker, fashion speculator, creative consultant and academic based in London.


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