A Message From Our Sponsor.

If the work displayed on the walls of large commercially sponsored art galleries or museums may not be considered subversive or incendiary, what will happen within art and design institutions should they choose to follow similar sponsorship business models? Will they, for instance, run the risk of relinquishing the dominion of the ‘unfettered question?’


Should they choose such a route, as some speculate, creative institutions must look to preserve and be guided by the integrity of hypothetical questioning as driver of innovation and knowledge, as opposed to financially endorsed procedures of inquiry, which may carry responsibility to a sponsor or benefactor.

Creative institutions must ensure they carefully align themselves with partners who are adept, shrewd, imaginative, responsible, transparent and open askers of questions themselves.

Simon Thorogood

Design thinker, fashion speculator, creative consultant and academic based in London.


Nothing Really Matters.


Of No Fixed Abode.