Photos by Simon Thorogood

The exquisite weather of the last ten days or so has noticeably transformed the surrounding landscape. Light and colour is brilliant – the sky is a sustained proud blue, sunshine inclines young crops to a vivid yellow-green, and the exposed soil softens from a wintery brown to subtle shades of khaki.


The change has been enjoyed by all – humans and wildlife alike. Walkers and wayfarers in the countryside have multiplied, the sky is filled with sailplanes and hovering birds of prey, and hares race through the fields.


Yet, we are be reminded that this is not yet Spring, and that the bleakness of Winter may be reinstated at any moment. But until such time, the fine weather is to be savoured, and prompts us to be somehow changed and transformed ourselves.

Simon Thorogood

Design thinker, fashion speculator, creative consultant and academic based in London.


The Wild Ones.


Door Frames.