In his Four Quartets, T. S. Elliot wrote “Through the unknown, unremembering gate…,” whereby license to pass through a perceptual portal is granted only through a condition of ‘not knowing.’ In this regard, a desire to know something that one currently does not know becomes an act or process of creative invention in itself.


Correspondingly, can we develop and apply forms of ‘unremembering wardrobes’ for fashion? What would we look like, and how might we dress, if every single time we perused our clothes, closets, or dressers, we simply did not recognise them or understand them at all?


Not only would we endlessly encounter novelty and wonderment through our apparel, we might never need to buy new clothes, instead entirely absorbed and surprised by never-ending ways to wear differently what we already have.

Simon Thorogood

Design thinker, fashion speculator, creative consultant and academic based in London.


Hide and Seek.


Applied Language Skills.